Digital World, Real Impact: Discovering How Screens Affect Mental Health, Relationships, and Everyday Life

In this program, teens will:

  • Navigate the online realm safely and adeptly.
  • Redirect their smartphone usage towards constructive and uplifting activities, bidding farewell to endless scrolling.
  • Tackle the pervasive culture of comparison on social platforms and silence their inner critics.
  • Foster meaningful connections with friends and family both online and offline.
  • Strengthen their resilience and self-assurance, enabling them to lead balanced and content lives alongside their digital devices.
  • Cultivate healthy routines, pinpoint their key objectives, and establish realistic targets.
  • Recognize their personal boundaries with screens and effectively manage digital interruptions.

What's Included?

  • 6 weeks of on-demand, self-paced videos
  • Exposure to topics and information they should be aware of as digital consumers
  • Downloadable worksheets, reflections and activities to do independently or with family

I've made this as easy as possible for busy parents...

  • I do the teaching...pressure off of you
  • I provide the resources and activities...all built in with nothing else to buy
  • I know the research, issues and solutions...let me be the expert, so you can be the parent
  • And I've made it AFFORDABLE for you. I've been told I should be charging more, but I want this information to be as accessible as possible.
Parents, Sound Like You?

If any of the following sound like something you've said, do yourself a favor and do not miss this course for your child.

My child spends too much time on screens, and I'm worried about their overall well-being.

I'm concerned about the impact of social media and online interactions on my child's mental health.

My child lacks focus and productivity when using digital devices, and it's affecting their schoolwork.

I want my child to have a healthy relationship with technology and understand how to use it responsibly.

I want my child to be inspired and motivated by their digital experiences, rather than feeling overwhelmed or drained.

Answered Yes?

You worry about the negative impact excessive screen time and online interactions might have on their mental health and overall well-being.

The constant battle to find a balance between their digital world and real-life activities can leave you feeling exhausted and unsure of what steps to take.

Help your child discover how to safeguard their digital wellbeing! They'll learn to balance online and offline time, stay safe in real and virtual worlds, manage information overload, and build a positive digital presence.

That's why I'm here to introduce tweens and teens, ages 10-15, to the transformative power of digital wellness.

Give your tween or teen the gift of this course, allowing them to take control, by listening to the lessons and interacting with the activities each week.

I've spent countless hours in classrooms with students, and in trainings with parents, addressing the painpoints we all have around our daily technology use, using this training. I've trained teachers globally, and have even worked with Common Sense Media.

As a teacher and a parent, I understand the challenges you face. It can be incredibly frustrating when your child seems glued to their screens, unwilling to listen to your guidance.

Ready to help your tween or teen take control of their online lives with

positive habits and a true understanding of how tech was built to consume and distract them?

Hear From Others

"Heather is passionate about the digital well-being of youth and focused on using reliable data to inform her practices!"

Justin Patchin

Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center

"I cannot thank you enough for putting this course together, it is brilliant! It is SO needed and I've been telling everyone about it! I told my child's school, her school welfare officer, friends, her friend's parents. Please know that parents and kids absolutely need you and all that you bring via your courses and I am very very grateful to have found you."

Very happy parent

"Her subject knowledge and passion for her work provided invaluable to the school and the students. She is highly skills in resource and lesson development and brings her subject to life. She has used these skills, both in the classroom and to support others. She is known as an expert in this field and has had the opportunity to speak to the important topic of safety online. I highly recommend her in her endeavours."

Suzanne Murray- Safeguarding and Child Protection Consultant at FairChild Safeguarding Ltd

"Heather is a fantastic advocate in the digital citizenship and digital well-being community. She is part of a select group of Common Sense Ambassadors, a group of educators in Common Sense Education who help spread a culture of digital citizenship and well-being in schools by training teachers, teaching students, and engaging parents and families."

Kelly Mendoza, Vice President

Education Programs at Common Sense Education


Who is this course for?

This course is specifically designed for tweens and teens, ages 10-15, who want to learn more about digital wellness and and how it can help equip them with the skills to navigate the online world purposefully and responsibly.

How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered entirely online, asynchronously, allowing you and your child to access the content from the comfort of your home. It consists of video lessons, activities, practical exercises, and supplementary resources.

Can both parents and their children participate in the course?

Absolutely! I encourage both parents and their children to participate in the course, although it's also suitable for your child to do alone. It's a wonderful opportunity for open discussions and shared learning experiences.

How long is the course?

The course is designed to be completed at your own pace. On average, it takes about 6 weeks to finish, but you can adjust the pace to fit your schedule.

Is there ongoing support after completing the course?

Yes, I provide ongoing support through our private community forum on Facebook and other social media channels. You can connect with other parents, share experiences, and seek guidance.

How do I access the course after purchasing?

Once you complete the purchase, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to access the course materials and get started immediately.

Grab a seat, I'll see you there!